Jude's First Christmas

Friday, January 20, 2012 6:57 AM Posted by Heather Kirk
I know that it is late January and Christmas was almost 1 month ago, sorry about taking so long to post! Jude is crawling and all over the place! It is very hard to sit down and do anything, ha ha! 
I love this stage.  It is so much fun to see him explore and get excited about the new things he is seeing. This stage is much different than the previous where I had to entertain him, he does most of the entertaining himself but that means he usually is getting into trouble.  He likes to pull up on EVERYTHING! Things that are big, small, stable, unstable! You name it, he wants to pull up on it.  This leads to many many falls and bruises. We are in for a long journey, this boy has no fear! Once he pulls up, I believe he thinks to himself, "Okay I got this" he then turns and tries to walk away.  I am constantly telling him "Jude, you cannot walk yet, stop doing that!"

Here are some picture from Jude's Christmas in Florida.  We had an amazing time with Woody, Cathy, and Jessi.  They are amazing grandparents and Jude has a super cool Dr. Aunt :) Cathy bought a ton of things to make Jude comfortable there, a Jenny Jumper (ha ha yes Jude is confident in his masculinity), a pack and play for him to sleep and nap in, a life vest for the boat, cute clothes and the list goes on and on!
While we were there Jude experienced a lot of firsts in his life. He got to ride on a boat, received a beautiful handmade stocking from Aunt Jessi, his two bottom teeth came in (yeah...that was a lot of fun!), and many many other things.  We are so blessed to have amazing families on both sides and I feel completely blessed that Jude will grow up with such love and encouragement.
Thank you for loving and praying for our sweet Jude. Everyone says they grow up fast, and you don't truly understand that until it happens to you!

 Auntie Jessi and Jude reading the ABC book she gave him for Christmas.
 Getting ready for his first boat ride.
 Loving Mim's Christmas Bears.  This thing is so cool!
On the boat!
Aunt Jessi and the beautiful stocking she made just for Jude.  It took her so many hours!

P.S. More pictures to come once I get them on the computer!

1 Response to "Jude's First Christmas"

  1. Britt Watt Says:

    Yay! You're finally posting things again! I love both picture of Jude in his lifevest. He looks so happy! I bet Mae would be crying and trying to rip it off of her.

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